We seek to eradicate bullying, intolerance and discrimination by educating kids, schools and parents about accepting diversity and giving young people the tools to connect with and positively impact those around them.


Boo2Bullying (B2B) is a youth development and suicide prevention organization.  We provide mentoring opportunities, educational resources and mental health support to youth and families adversely affected by bullying. Our primary mission is to empower students (grades K-12) with tools to use their voices for self-advocacy and to be proactive in creating safe communities that combat bullying, discrimination and intolerance. A high percentage of whom are LGBTQ+ youth.

Pre-COVID, in 2018 and 2019, we served 25,000 local students. During the pandemic while schools were closed, B2B expanded its social media outreach. Beginning March 2020, we pivoted to "virtual" school programs and greatly expanded our social media messaging focused on positivity and mental health. In 2021, Boo2Bullying created a new video resource and classroom curriculum for K-3 children called C.A.P.E. Nation. Students become "Super Heroes" by learning Courage, Appreciation, Personal Health habits, and Education life lessons; they are taught and empowered to love themselves, accept others who are different, spread kindness and stand up against bullying and discrimination.

Boo2Bullying continues to connect with over 30,000 young people in-person and many more online.



School Assemblies

Our team members visit schools to teach students how to stand up and speak out against bullying, intolerance and discrimination .

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Mothers Against Bullying

We share information and give parents and family members a platform to share their personal experiences with bullying and the tragedy of suicide.

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Community Outreach

Boo2Bullying is an active participant in community festivals, parades, pride festivals and more.
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Working with guidance counselors, we match bullied students with Boo2Bullying mentors.
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Empowerment through Art

We mitigate the effects of bullying through arts and crafts, animation, dance, music, and art exhibitions showcasing youth.

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  • 280,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools in the United States every month
  • 1 in 4 teachers sees nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% percent of the time
  • Nearly 42% of youth have been bullied online. This has occurred multiple times for almost 25% of them
  • 77% of students report being bullied mentally, verbally or physically or all three
  • On the average playground in America, a child is bullied every 7 minutes
  • 3 million students are absent each month because they feel unsafe at school
  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death due to bullying
  • 10% of parents are aware their teens are targets of cyberbullying
  • 92% of LGBT youth say they hear negative messages about being LGBT. The top sources are schools, the internet and their peers

